Disassembled modular self-service linear collection center to collect recyclable waste such as: metal, PET, HDPE, aluminum, Tetra Pak®, cardboard and paper.
What happens if we don't recycle?
The earth naturally recycles all of its resources and reuses materials from dead plants and animals to feed new plants and create new fertile soils. Humanity should follow the example of mother nature and do no less than that: recycle everything we can. If we do not practice recycling and do not make it part of our daily lives, these are the consequences of what could happen:
The first consequence of not recycling is the increase in pollution. There are many different types of pollution ranging from Styrofoam carried in the ocean with PET and MULTILAYER waste that lives with marine and terrestrial wildlife, to corrosive chemicals that spill onto the ground and render it inert. The air is also polluted every time cars emit carbon dioxide, every time toxic substances are burned, or a company releases chemical gases.
Every year for the past 30 years, the Environmental Protection Agency has collected and reported valuable data on the amount of solid waste that people generate on a daily basis. The 2018 report states that people produce more than 260 million tons of solid waste. Of this amount, 88 million tons represented recyclable materials that were reused; about 40 million tons underwent combustion, to convert them into usable energy for fuel, heat and electricity. And just over half, or 132 million tons, went to landfills. Without recycling and combustion, the 260 million tons would have filled landfills and started to accumulate.
During 2018 in Mexico, about 1,248,000,000 of multilayer packaging.
When we don't recycle, reuse or reduce consumption, we are destroying our planet's natural habitats. As it is, our earth cannot cope on its own with the current rate of pollution and destruction of environments and natural resources, so in a few years it could be totally devastated and ruined.
The earth has suffered multiple climatic changes since its creation, all of them part of its natural processes and its long evolution. But since the industrial revolution this has spilled over. Today, we are the main contributors to global warming, mainly due to the well-known greenhouse gases (methane and carbon dioxide) that are released from industries, automobile exhaust, electricity consumption, among others.
Our solution to the pollution crisis is to reduce production andrecycling. Given the dimension of the problem,planetready next toTetra Pak® reaffirm that a profound transformation is needed in the current consumption model of our society, which is based on the convenience of using and throwing away and which causes overproduction and excessive and unnecessary consumption of plastics, metal, PET, HDPE, aluminum, Tetra Pak ®, cardboard and paper.